Female Offenders II

Female Offenders-(Self-defending victims) Part II

Please read the entire page

Here are your course handouts for Female Offenders-(Self-defending victims)-part II.  

If you are watching the replays because you are unable to attend the live class, please submit your 5-7 bullet points summary of the main points covered and any takeaways you have from the weekly class in the Google Classroom -see directions below. This helps us validate your attendance if we are ever asked.

Course Handouts

Chats and Video Replay links

Class 1 Video replay: https://vimeo.com/581370415/0f3159ca89
Class 1 Chat: 07-30-2021 Chat Female 2

Class 2 Video replay: https://vimeo.com/583975694/16906b2563
Class 2 Chat: 08-06-21 Chat-Females 2

Class 3 Video replay: https://vimeo.com/589943884/ca0cd94710
Class 3 Chat: 08-13-2021 Females 2 Chat

Class 4 Video replay: https://vimeo.com/589978251/4d884403e0
Class 4 Chat: 08-20-2021 Females II-chat

Please submit class summaries through the Google Classroom

Follow these instructions:
  1. Access Google Classroom: Open a web browser and go to Google Classroom or by clicking this link:https://classroom.google.com/c/NjQ2Njg1NDY4NzA2?cjc=lvkere4
  2. Sign in: If you are not already signed in with your Google account, sign in with the Google account you want to use for the class.
  3. Join a Class: Once signed in, click on the “+” icon in the upper right corner of the screen. This icon usually represents “Join class” or “Create class.”
  4. Enter the Class Code: A window will appear prompting you to enter a class code. In this case, you can simply paste the class code from the provided link: lvkere4
  5. Join the Class: Click on the “Join” button. Google Classroom will process your request, and you will be successfully enrolled in the class.

Address any questions to: faith.advocacy8@gmail.com

Articles and Links


Dr. Debra and Joy