
Co-Parent after Divorce or Separation

Parents Challenged with Control Freak Co-Parents

  • Gain help with healing from abusive/coercive controlled relationships
  • Included are tools you can use to recover from living with and being abused in an intimate relationship and reclaim your life
  • Choose to put your life on a path of your choice no longer being ruled/coerced/controlled by a former intimate partner
  • Take control of your life, your responses to your former intimate partner/other parent of your children
  • Determine what is best for you without being drawn into the whirlpool of emotions your former intimate partner seeks to engage you in to coercively control you
  • Set your boundaries from a state of self-empowerment and protect yourself from future abuse attempts by your former intimate partner
  • Draw from your inner strength to withstand the onslaught of abuse attempts
  • Work toward protection of your children and help them build their own protective factors and acquire resilience skills that they will use throughout their lives
  • Empower your children through your modeling as an empowered parent to establish themselves as empowered adults
  • Reduce the chance of your children becoming abusive or being abused in adult relationships
  • Imagine a world filled with healthy parents — nurturing and protecting their children from abuse.
  • Imagine a world filled with strong families building strengths in their children.
  • Imagine a world where children are empowered by parents to maximize their potential.
  • Imagine a world where peace and cooperation are highly valued in every family.

Dear Protective Parent,

We want you to know you have a support system to help you learn to reclaim and renew your life after leaving an abusive relationship. While you gain the skills to create your life of choice, you develop skills to help your children find their own inner strength. The path you choose is your own. We provide guidance and nurturing along the way.

We understand your life with an abuser leaves you with trauma responses that may differ from others who come from similar backgrounds. Our goal is to help you through the process of recovery. The tools to help you recover come from many years of helping parents just like you heal their wounds and define their own lives. You may come with some awareness of what you experienced without being able to clearly name what happened to you. Through the tools we provide, you will finally be able to name your experience and describe it to your family, your attorney, court-professionals involved in your case, and to the judge.

You will learn skills to use for the rest of your life to help you clearly view yourself in relation to another person. You will learn to make conscious choices about all areas of your life without having to rely on others to make decisions for you. You will be empowered to take charge of your life and empower your children to do the same with their lives. You will learn to communicate with your abusive ex co-parent without being drawn back under his coercive control. You will gain understanding of the impacts and effects on your children of living and growing up with an abusive parent.

We offer a Transformational Journaling for Healing Souls ™ process to assist abuse/trauma survivors, and adult children from dysfunctional families to heal.

We support a major social change to teach healthy parenting and healthy relationship skills prior to birth to prevent the dysfunctional cycle from impacting future generations.

We believe our most precious resource, our children must no longer be impacted by Adverse Childhood Events for our society to grow and move forward.

Peaceful journey,
Dr. Debra and the House Of Peace Team

Your Book:

Eyes Wide Open: Help! with Control Freak Co-Parents
walks you down your healing path.

Go here to order your copy as an eBook, eReader, or Print.

Our Company

Wingfield House of Peace Publications provides educational materials for

  • General public interested in healing from childhood wounds.
  • Counselors, therapists, and other professionals who want to deepen their understanding of the impacts of child abuse and family violence on their clients. Find out about our services here

Since 1988, Dr. Wingfield developed and presented workshops for helping professionals to provide services to their clients who were impacted by child abuse and family violence. Now, you can access those workshops through our virtual training center. For more information, please contact us here or 719-251-0618.

Our Vision

A world free of child abuse and family violence: Every child and adult are held precious as gifts to be nurtured and guided to lead healthy, productive lives.

Just send me your name and e-mail address and join me on the Transformational Journey To Transform Souls and Re-Create Lives.

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