Interpersonal Abuse/Violence Assessments


Abuser Coercive Control Tactic Patterns

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Click on the title of the Assessment to go to each assessment. After you complete your assessments, contact the office for your free 30 minute consultation with Dr. Debra to discuss your results and next steps.

The Constantly Changing His Spots Leopard Co-Parent (Emotional Abuse)
The Lion King of my Castle Co-parent (Using Male Privilege)
The Sneaky Snake Co-Parent (Using Children)
The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Co-Parent (Using Minimization, Denial, and Blaming)
The Pompous Hog Co-Parent (Economic/Financial Abuse)
The Intimidating Badger Co-Parent (Intimidation)
The Threatening Skunk Co-Parent (Threats And Coercion)
The Laughing Hyena Co-Parent (Using Isolation)
The Prickly Porcupine Co-Parent (Spiritual Abuse)
The Slippery Weasel Co-Parent (Litigation Abuse)
The Lying Rat Co-Parent (Using Court-Appointed Professionals)
The Charging Rhinoceros Co-Parent (Using Family Court Judges)
The Stalking Fox Co-parent (Non-Physical Sexual Abuse)
The Chest Beating Gorilla Co-Parent (Physical Abuse)
The Territorial Tiger Co-Parent (Physical Sexual Abuse)

These are the general directions for all assessments.
Assessment Directions: Go through the list of behaviors some abusers/coercive controllers do to hurt their partner or ex-partner with the coercive control tactic they use. Decide, to the best of your recollection, how frequently your partner or ex-partner did any of the following behaviors in your relationship or since it ended? Circle the number that applies to your situation.

1 __never, 2 __hardly ever, 3 __sometimes, 4 __often, 5 __quite often, 6 __not applicable, 7 __prefer not to answer

Hint: You can print out your assessments or use a piece of paper to write your answers down. If you just write your answers down, look for items where you answered 4 or 5. Then, use your Focus Points™ to describe specifically how the abuser used that specific tactic with you. The more you can describe what happened, the easier it is to recognize it in the future and use your Transformational Journaling™ tools to stop the abuser or leave the abusive situation.

Free Consultation

 To arrange your free 30 minute consultation with Debra,

please let use know 3 best times with time zone, days to contact you.






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Peacefully yours,

Debra Wingfield

Author, Advocate, Trainer, Consultant