Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Build Local Coalitions

Domestic Violence Awareness month is upon us. What are your intentions to support or promote activities in your community? There are many changes in our community since I arrived here in September 1993. I searched out the key stakeholders to learn what plans were in place for the next month. Sadly, I found limited awareness that October is the designated month to bring domestic violence into the spotlight. I’m happy to report October 1994 was very different. The County Commission and City Council proclaimed October Domestic Violence Awareness month on the County building front steps.

How did that happen? One person made it her intention to gather key stakeholders together and develop a local coalition to shift the focus to active involvement in Domestic Violence Awareness. You probably assume correctly that I undertook the responsibility. I’m happy to report the coalition group developed a strong base of support, and now hosts a major event the first two weekends in October.

Awareness is built one person at a time is the key to building a strong network until your coalition becomes a self-sustaining entity. Every time you reach out and build awareness, you add to the nationwide network that brings awareness of the impact domestic violence on our society. So, I’ll ask you again… what are your intentions to support or promote Domestic Violence Awareness in your community this month?

Every home a peaceful home,
Debra Wingfield

P. S. Awareness builds prevention, prevention saves lives.

P. P. S. Watch for the launch of our new prevention project coming out in October.

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