Promote Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships (SSNR): Law of Attraction Language Works

What does “The Law of Attraction” have to do with the impact of Promote Safe, Stable, Nurturing relationships” programs?

Over the past few years, “The Law of Attraction” emerged as mainstream thought processes based on advancements in Quantum Physics. By now, most of you have heard of the hit movie “The Secret”. The entire message of “The Secret” involved how to move forward when you use “The Law of Attraction”.

Attraction thought processes versus resistant thought process of “pushing against” came into my consciousness back in the mid-1980’s. I was recovering from my 2nd divorce and I used “Positive Affirmations” to shift my negative thoughts. I knew it was working when my daughter asked if she could move back in with me because I was “always so positive”.

Now, as I research what is happening with creating multidisciplinary coalitions to Prevent Child Abuse, I find the language of prevention shifted. No longer are the leaders in this movement pushing against child abuse with words like “prevent child abuse” and “stop abuse”.

As we reframe our language to use “The Law of Attraction”, we move our clients forward to make positive changes in their relationships; this creates a current of change in our communities and society. Move through your groups this week with a positive, reframed language infused with what you want your clients to embrace as a way of life. “Promote Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships” in their lives.

Peace and harmony,

Debra Wingfield, Ed.D.

Author of “From Darkness to Light: Your Inner Journey”

Professional Mental Health Therapist Trainer

P.S. Attract clients to work with you and

“Promote Safe, Stable, Nurturing Families

P.P.S. Watch for more on your role to carry this message to your community

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